Thursday, March 18, 2010

Helping Children (and Adults!) Understand Suffering

Holy Week is almost here.

How is it that Lent always seems to fly by so quickly? Do you feel like your heart is prepared to walk with Christ during the grace-filled time of Holy Week? What about your kids? Do they struggle with understanding why Christ suffered for them? How do you help them understand why there are times in their lives when they too suffer? Children's Stations of the Cross is a blessing for people of all ages who need a short and sweet reminder of why suffering is a beautiful part of life.

This is the story of two Irish boys and their Grampa. Together they travel to the parish church to make the Stations of the Cross together and learn about the meaning of suffering. The story is set against moving artwork and reflections on the Stations that are powerfully simple.

This book is available by calling our toll free number 1.800.728.5945 or by clicking here.

Matthew 19:14 "...Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

A New Miracle!

Precious Life Books author, Susan Brindle, and her husband, David, are excited to share with the world that they became grandparents this past week!

The newest member of the Precious Life Books organization ia a healthy, handsome little man often refered to as "Little Dude" He weighed in at 8lbs 11ounces and was 21 inches long. He has long, lean, strong arms and hands- he takes after his daddy!

Since the models for all of the pictures in our stories are based off of family and friends, you can be sure that you'll be seeing Little Dude in our upcoming books! Keep an eye out for this handsome fellow- he is already a family favorite around here! :)

On a special note, we would like to ask our readers to send up a special prayer for Paul Coakley's sister, Christiana. Christiana is expecting her third baby and is having a very difficult pregnancy. She was just released from a multiple day stay at the hospital and is on complete bedrest and is receiving daily IVs. Any and all prayers are greatly appreciated for Christiana, her husband and all of their children. Thank you, dear prayer warriors!

Thank you, Lord, for the miracle of life!

We'll be there! Will you???

The 11th Annual Catholic Homeschool Conference and Curriculum Fair is taking place this weekend (March 19-20, 2010) at St. Louis Catholic Church, 203 South White Station Rd, Memphis, TN 38117. This years theme will be "The Restoration of the Catholic Culture in the Home" How perfect and exciting!

My mother, Susan Andrews Brindle, and I (Ann Coakley) will be there to promote Catholic and culture education by offering our books to families who are working hard to educate their children at home.

We will be autographing books for any one who would like. This is a very special opportunity, especially if you are giving the books as an Easter, First Penance, First Communion or Confirmation gift this Spring.

If you are interested in attending, you can check out the conference website by going to and clicking on the "Conference" button in the sidebar. For those who are able to attend, we will be holding a drawing to giveaway one of our books. What a wonderful way to put something that truly reflects the beauty of Christ's Selfless Gift in your child's Easter basket this year?

For those who are unable to attend (or for anyone who doesn't win the drawing at the conference and would like another chance!), we will be holding another contest here on our blog in the coming weeks. Keep checking back here to see when we are holding giveaways or where we will be heading next!

Everyone here at Precious Life Books is praying that you and your family have a beautiful Lent. May God give you the strength to stay strong in your commitments to Christ during these final weeks!

In Jesus through Mary,

Ann Brindle Coakley